Office Insight Features UNION

Office Insight Magazine has featured us for our continued work with KFI Studios. An interview at Neocon 2021 with contributor Stephen Witte ended up becoming a featured article in the magazine where they drew attention to some of the pieces coming up in the KFI collection. 

The article focused not only on our latest designs but touches on what makes our company work. It is a blend of thoughts and strengths that make collaboration an effective way to design good products. Ideas require push and pull to fully form into the final result. This dynamic process is something that Office Insight is interesting in showcasing.

Check out our portfolio to see the featured products including the Tioga Collection that we have been working on.

Office insight magazine featuring union design product design
Office Insight magazine feature of union design showing Tioga chair design, Vaux collaborative table design, and willow laptop table design
Office insight features union design
office insight magazine features union design for their office furniture design